Full Moon Ceremony - Mud Detox Body Mask

Apr 11, 2024


Full Moon Ceremony - Mud Detox Body Mask

Spiritual Cards - https://amzn.to/2l9FEbZ
Book - Law of Attraction - https://amzn.to/2l802tV

Happy Friday today is a full moon.
It's an eclipse full moon, so I and my girls are gonna get together. And wait until it gets dark out and we're gonna do a little magic.
I'm that girl that reads singing a book and actually tries it. Tonight we are making witches is ladders. Witches ladders are basically like bracelets. We are going to create the brackets and set intentions, tie some knots and maybe even cast some spells! I don't know if
you guys have thought about this but the words ‘Abracadabra' actually just mean ‘I create as I speak’.
So magic is really no different than the Law of Attraction. When you hear people talking about magic and spells it's essentially the same as affirmations and setting intentions of what you want.
You know I always get what I want, so don't knock it before you try it and my favorite​ saying is ‘if it doesn't hurt and it might help’ why not try it.


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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