Earth As A School For The Soul

Jul 30, 2024

Where do you come from, and why are you here? 

Imagine Earth as a school where Souls enroll for the most transformative learning experiences. In this school, every challenge, joy, and encounter is a lesson tailored for Soul growth. Our earthly journey, filled with diverse experiences, serves as a curriculum for the Soul, teaching us empathy, strength, love, and resilience. This perspective suggests that our life's trials and triumphs are purposeful, guiding us towards a deeper overstanding of ourselves and our place in the Universe. In this grand school, each Soul journeys towards its own enlightenment, with Earth providing the perfect classroom for spiritual evolution.

In-between Earth experiences, we all exist in the heavens as energy balls. When we are there, we hold all the knowledge we have from all our experiences on Earth. We then inventory what we know and decide what we want to experience next. We choose a scenario, something we want to learn, something we want to experience, something we want to add to our character stats. After this, we are off again down on Earth in our physical form on a new adventure, an adventure filled with growth and self-discovery, a journey to experience our why, to discover our purpose. 

On Earth, for us to become who we are meant to be, we are put through experiences and lessons. You will learn about Life Lessons and how to grow from them in Volume: It Was A Life Lesson Not A Life Sentence. Nothing happens to you in life. Everything is always happening for you when working with the Universe in your co-creative process. 

The experiences we go through in life must occur to teach us what we need to know and to get us to where we need to be. Every experience, chance encounter, opportunity, and hurdle is divinely designed to help shape and create us into what we are meant to be. 

Does this sound like life to you? It resonates, doesn't it? 

Think about almost everything that has happened to you in life, no matter how chaotic it was in the moment, with hindsight you can see why it had to happen or how it lined up for you to get to where you were going and often where you were meant to be. Often in life, if we end up somewhere we are not meant to be it is because we ignored the signs and often ignored our own intuition. 

You know you weren't born to earn the right to survive, right? Clearly, there is a deeper meaning to your existence.

Who are you becoming? You're becoming who your Soul desires to be, back when it was an energy ball before this life began, manifesting in endless ways depending on what your Soul decided before it came to Earth. 

At first, when you arrive on Earth, you may think you are ill-prepared; however, you arrive with all the natural born, divine gifts and talents you need to complete your experience. These gifts are connected to your Soul and endure lifetimes as they are strong enough to stay with you on each journey to Earth. You have been practicing and mastering these gifts and talents for multiple lifetimes. The things you are naturally good at, the things you hit out of the park first try or effortlessly do better than others, is not an accident. You have been honing those skills for lifetimes, and that is why you are already a master at them. 

Your Soul returns to the heavens when you have gone through all the lessons and passed the tests this earthy experience has for you. At this point, you have completed your Soul's purpose in that Earth experience. 

All these rounds of experiences and lessons on Earth are like a training camp where you learn and continue to perfect your gifts and skills in preparation for the Gamefield, the finale where you use all your gifts and skills. 

It takes work and time to fully connect with your Soul, and live your Soul’s purpose.

While living your life, you’ll have to pass various levels along the journey.

Understanding Earth as a school for the soul reshapes our perspective on existence. It's a profound realization that our time here is filled with intentional lessons, designed to expand, challenge, and refine our essence. This insight shifts our focus from merely passing through life to actively engaging with it as an opportunity for genuine growth and self-discovery. With this mindset, we approach each experience, whether joyous or challenging, as a vital component of our soul's expansion, leading us to fulfill our deeper purpose. Earth, in its wisdom, serves not just as our home but as a nurturing ground for spiritual evolution, guiding us to unlock our full potential and live in harmony with our true calling.




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