Don't Save Things for a Special Occasion​

Apr 11, 2024


Don't Save Things for a Special Occasion

I got these really cool Alo YYoga pants and I get so many compliments when I wear them - So what do I do? I don't wear them. I actually store them for that ‘someday' special occasion. The problem with this way of thinking is we never actually use the items. We just store them, store them, store them, for that ‘someday’ - eventually probably giving them away or throwing them out. So instead of that we should enjoy them now, you know, we bought them because we like them -So let's use them and I like those special birthday cards that are too nice to use of those nice dishes for Christmas that you never actually pull out because you don't want to ruin them. The whole point in buying items is to bring a story. So if we are buying them we should be using them.

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