Don't Be Afraid To Start At The Bottom

Apr 11, 2024


My Inspiration - Lydia Elise Millen

Don’t be afraid to start at the bottom:

Thanks for Sabrina this morning for the motivational message to wake up to and the reminder that every day. We should focus on one or two major tasks that we want to get done and not let all the little stuff overwhelm us. So today. I've got two things I want to focus on and two things only.

ChiMachine It's a lymphatic drainage system. It is going to swing your body in figure-eight helping to drain your lymph system as well as clear any energy blockages. My favorite thing about the Chi machine is the way it swings your hips. And this is because of metaphysics or energy science hip pain is a manifestation of decision fatigue or not making decisions that are weighing on your heart.
Chi machine is a holistic health machine and it is so simple. You're going to lie with your feet on, you're gonna turn it will begin to swing your body in figure 8, which is going to train your lymph system. It's also going to help the energy blockages in the body.
I am so on top of my health routines right now! Honestly opening that store has me feeling like a million dollars. So I'm feeling much more confident than ever.
I feel better than ever. I just feel motivated to do my best in every aspect but kinda nice how the exact same moment that my real estate is going to that next level. So is my blog career I have been asked to do more collaborations last couple weeks than I ever have I even have paid Partnerships coming up for Instagram and YouTube where I'll actually be creating a second source of income that could be residual and it will be passive and it's going to be coming from something I love doing.
So this is what I do in my off time. Anyways, for those of you who have been here from the beginning, you know, that this blog a mine started from nothing it started with me reposting other people's inspirational quotes when I was at home sick with my thyroid and super depressed. I always wanted to make I have my blog I had a dream for it and I had a goal and I started to get a plan together by doing research on YouTube and following other people. Favorite YouTubers are Lydia ladies an amazing fashion blogger. I just love watching her on YouTube and I found Lydia's and she's I mean, she's glamorous guys like she's gorgeous.
But I found this photo of Lydia and this is her first photo on her fashion blog from years ago. He's Lydia's inspiration because over the years she started in the dorm room of her University. This is where she started and if you saw the life lady has created for herself. Now everyone has to start somewhere and do the work if you give advice to anybody who wants to start a blog it's really simple just start and don't give up just keep going and going grow with it. Be authentic be transparent be yourself. That is the new hustle being aligned and being transparent is going to then just plan your work and work your plan. That's it. Life is really really simple.
We are so overcomplicating it all the time. You can have anything you want in life if you put your mind to it. Anything anyone wants me tips on how to make a dream board or how to plan out the gold DM I call me email me. I'm happy to give my time to help anyone else get to where they want to go. So have a great day guys. Happy Friday.

Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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