Direction Over Speed

Jul 30, 2024


Your Game is not a race. You cannot choose the speed or length of time it will take you to complete any of the levels or goals within your vision. While some strategies can help you, to some degree, speed through your levels, you can’t define your entire “timeline”. You don’t know how many levels you’ll need to pass to get where you’re going. Only the Universe knows. Everything happens in divine timing. Remember, you are playing against yourself, not against anyone else. Direction is always more important than speed. 

I always say, “Believe it so hard like it's already happening.” Working your strategies backwards connects you to your end goal feeling. You get there when you direct all your energy into executing your strategies designed to meet your targets. When you do your part, the Universe does its part. The Universe aligns you with appropriate opportunities and resources when you work on your vision, follow your strategies, and stay on path each and every day. Trust that once you start working your vision and strategies, the Universe will work its side. The Universe is always steadily working on your plan. It’s doing this behind the scenes, out of your direct sight. 

I know you’ve seen and heard about how I’ve leveled up quite quickly. I don’t want this to mislead you. I am usually put through what I call “the rapid Game of Life.” My speed is not everyone’s speed. Even if you follow the same strategies, your speed is your own. You can’t determine it. I didn’t decide my speed. The Universe did. The Universe always puts you through your Game at the pace it feels best matches your goals and your life. Trust the speed it gives you.

The best place to put your focus is on your direction. Don’t mistake me here. It doesn't mean intentionally moving slowly or waiting until things are perfect before moving forward. Remember, perfection is a pitfall in your Game. You must begin before you’re ready and improve as you go. Waiting for things to be perfect only holds you back. It’s important to make daily moves, no matter how big or small. The important thing is to make sure your moves are aligned with your strategies and your vision’s direction. 

Don’t move just to move. Making a move without focus and direction is a wasted move. Moving to move, and moving in any direction, gets you nowhere. It’s why one of the most important things you can do is set your vision and direction before planning your moves. Doing this ensures you’ll always have the reference point you need to make decisions. We’ll deep dive into planning those endpoints in later modules so you have crystal clear direction and focus. 

Even when you have a strategy, you’ll come up against hurdles that slow you down. Everything has a purpose when you are aligned with your path and make moves and decisions aligned with your strategy. Don’t think of hurdles as slowing you down. When you encounter one, remind yourself that it is another lesson, another learning opportunity, and a sign that you are on your way. Commitment to your strategies gets you where you are meant to go. Keep your faith, step by step, day by day. 

Moreover, this mindset shift encourages us to live more fully in the present, engaging deeply with the process of creation and growth. When we're not constantly looking ahead to the next milestone or obsessing over reaching our destination quickly, we open ourselves to the richness of the present moment. This presence is where true learning and growth occur. It's where we find joy in the work, where we connect most authentically with our vision, and where the Universe meets us to provide guidance, support, and synchronicities. By valuing direction over speed, we align ourselves more closely with the Universe's timing, trusting that we're exactly where we need to be, doing exactly what we need to be doing.




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