Creating Human Deep Fakes

Jul 30, 2024

As we navigate the digital landscape, we often find ourselves crafting carefully curated online reflections of who we aspire to be. These idealized images, meticulously constructed through social media profiles, blog posts, and digital interactions, can sometimes feel more real to us than our physical bodies.

The concept of a deep fake victim takes on new dimensions. A deep fake, traditionally associated with the manipulation of digital media, can now extend to the manipulation of our very identity. Our online personas, with their exaggerated qualities and carefully crafted narratives, can overshadow our true essence, blurring the boundaries between who we are and who we present ourselves to be.Our online reflections serve as objects of our own creation, shaping our perceived identities and influencing how others perceive us. We meticulously curate and present our lives in a way that aligns with our desired image, carefully selecting moments and experiences that project an idealized version of ourselves.

However, this phenomenon is not without its consequences. The allure of creating a flawless digital persona can lead to a detachment (exactly what Freud outlines when he put forth his argument for breaking the line between reality and illusion would come from fragmentation of oneself into more than one version) )from our authentic selves. We become enamored with the characters we've constructed, gradually losing touch with the complexities and imperfections that make us human.

The profound impact of this phenomenon raises questions about authenticity, integrity, and the erosion of genuine human connection. Are we sacrificing our true character in favor of a digital façade? Are we losing sight of the essence that makes us unique individuals? And how can we navigate this online hall of mirrors while staying true to ourselves?

As technology advances and our digital personas become increasingly prominent, questions arise regarding the true nature of our character and the impact of merging our digital and physical selves

To understand the idea of a deep fake in its traditional sense, we must first explore its origins. Deep fakes originally referred to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to manipulate or fabricate realistic-looking videos or images, often substituting the face of one person onto another's body. These digital creations could convincingly mimic the appearance and actions of real individuals, leading to ethical concerns and potential misuse. As mixed reality enters the public sphere, the lines between the digital and physical worlds become increasingly blurred. We find ourselves confronted with a new reality where our digital avatars and personas can seamlessly interact with our physical surroundings. Soon there really will be two versions of you.

For anyone who purchased the apple vision, there already is. Did you purchase the Apple vision pro?

If you did, you know the first thing the device does is scan you to create your digital avatar - we are in an era where there won't be only the concept of you have a digital soul and a real soul, you LITERALLY will have a digital soul represented in image and seen BY YOU everytime you enter the new mixed realities such as inside apply vision pro or any ‘metaverse’ realm. 

Now, think back to what you just learned about how Freud said multiple versions of you will break your overstand of reality and illusion, IF society is already crumbling under the pressure of simply thinking there are two versions of themselves, aka the person they are in real life and the persona they put forth online.. What will happen if there is an actual second version of you, and you are looking it right in the face? This moment that is approaching will split the psych, for some it won't have any effect and for others it will be the splitting of sanity and madness.

The worst part? This is only the beginning. Right now as it stands apple scans you the human you, it replicates you based on how you actually look, or at least close enough, BUT what happens when suddenly your augmented reality goggles start allowing you to choose an avatar that looks nothing like you, you then will be standing and staring at a split version of you that truly looks like someone else. Have blonde hair but you give your avatar black? 5’2 in person but 6’4 inside the metaverse? Maybe you change your skin color.. Heck, maybe you make yourself an animal or a creature… yet that creature will be walking about in the digital realm speaking your voice and minimizing your mannerisms as you move around your room wearing your augmented reality goggles…. You can see how we are on the brink of a massive exponential crisis of identity and a whole new meaning to WHO ARE YOU?

What is fragmentation? How do computers fragment? 

How computers work at the most basic level is to break down data into fragments -  Taking apart and putting back together pieces of data… When's the last time you took something complex apart and then back together? Bet it didn't go too well. Ikea anyone? But this is true through and through. If you were to bake a beautiful cake and then take it apart in pieces - sure you could put its layers back together in the same fashion - but how is that cake going to look? Nothing complex is taken apart goes back EXACTLY how it was delivered and  The mind must work to stitch everything back together and in this stitching things are missed This of the old phone call game - you say one thing but pass it along the line and it came out kinda ok but definitely not what you started with

In this era of digital transformation, the creation and manipulation of our online selves pose profound questions about identity, authenticity, and the nature of reality itself. As we edge closer to a world where our digital avatars can diverge significantly from our physical selves, the implications for our sense of self and societal norms around identity become increasingly complex. This journey into digital self-representation, particularly with the advent of technologies like Apple Vision Pro, challenges us to reconsider what constitutes our true self in a mixed reality landscape. The potential for identity fragmentation and the psychological impacts of confronting an avatar that vastly differs from our real appearance underscores the urgency for a dialogue about the ethical and social implications of our digital existence. It beckons us to critically assess how we navigate these virtual spaces, ensuring that our engagement enhances rather than detracts from our understanding and acceptance of our multifaceted selves. As we stand at the precipice of this new digital frontier, it is imperative that we anchor ourselves with a strong sense of identity, rooted in the essence of our humanity, as we explore the boundless possibilities of what it means to exist in both the physical and digital worlds.



We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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