Creating By Default - I AM Journal l Soul Renovation
Apr 11, 2024
In today's video we talk about creating By Default by using the I AM journal. Transform your self-image and embrace the power of positive thinking with two simple words: declare "I Am" and celebrate the life the universe has created for you! Whatever follows the words "I am" will always come looking for you.
This is actually one of the best-guided journals I've received in a while. I love how they start off with not just telling you to ask for what you want but explaining what I call creating by default. Creating by default is where you unintentionally create and reinforcing neural network Pathways or behavior in your life. Essentially If you continue to tell yourself that you are tired or that you're very sick, you will create sickness and you will actually create exhaustion. whatever you put after the words " I am literally” comes true. So be really careful that when you are creating your Consciousness creating.
A lot of us are stuck in stories, Cycles, and patterns in life. Everything stems from our vocabulary and our words. Every word literally does count when you speak words, it vibrates your body and creates a low frequency. So every word literally does carry energy. if you speak negative words, you're the only one that suffers because it vibrates through your body. It doesn't actually hit the person that you wanted to.
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