Can Lectins Kill You?

Apr 11, 2024


Probably wondering what lectins are, And why I'm one talking about them all the time. this is my new favorite thing to study. Humans can't digest lectins. We don't know how - so they're really really hard on our system. They're actually going to interfere where cell growth, cell death, body fat regulation, and immune support. Lectins are plant defense systems and over time through Evolution -They came up with ways to keep their seeds intact so that when they were eating they weren't actually destroyed. It was the first year that they scientifically proved a vegetable knew and they were being eaten. Yep. That's right.
So they did the study on cabbages and proved that the Cabbage actually changed - before it was eaten because​it knew that somebody was going to eat it. Where are the lectins coming from? Where are we getting them in our diet? We're getting them from the vegetables and plants that we eat. But we're also getting them from the dairy and animal products because we are eating what the animals are eating and the animals are eating soy GMOs and corn. Fun fact, one of the most deadly lectins is in kidney beans - yup, red kidney beans. if you soak and Sprout red kidney beans and eat them - They will poison you.

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