Brick By Brick - Everyday Improving The House

Apr 12, 2024


My health game is getting stronger and stronger I'm adding in more fun routines to keep myself interested and participating.

First, I added in an Upright - because I am brutally aware of how posture affects our confidence and presence as well as how others perceive us. For myself, in business, it is important that I master the skill of perfect posture.

I have identified it as an area to improve to help my real estate career. This along with biting my nails…. But I am so far from masting that one yet. I'll start with my posture! One thing at a time.

I finally caved and got a TV. In my defence, I got it for the gym as I really miss classes such as yoga and pilates and doing it on the laptop was just not the same. I couldn't keep my focus; I would constantly be getting distracted and not finishing the class. With this large tv, I feel as if I am actually in the room with another human - the teacher - and this seems to work. The sheer size keeps me engaged long enough to finish the entire class.

The TV was just step 1, though. It's time for my gym to get a full overhaul.

I am taking my fitness seriously, and I need more equipment to excel my skills and master more activities.
I ditched the treadmill that I never ever use and finally got an elliptical!!! My absolute favourite - Ellipticals are super addictive! It is such a receptive active that I find I go into a full trance thinking and forget I am working out at all - next thing you know, I'm done!

I also finally got to take a picture of the Vibration Plate off of my Vision Board!

Benefits of a whole-body vibration plate:
* Stronger muscles.
* Increased bone mass.
* Increased blood flow.
* Increased flexibility.
* Stimulate lymphatic system.
* Decrease in cortisol levels.

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Next up, I show you a little behind the scenes of my newest home renovation project - the new BOOK WALL! Yes, I finally did it. I finally ordered my books the type of home they deserve. Super excited to see this finished and installed in my Soul Renovation office at home.

BUT first, we have ALOT of work to do before the book wall can be installed…..

Only a few steps I didn't think ahead about…

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