Beginner Souls vs Advanced Souls

Jul 30, 2024

What is the point in playing The Game of Life if, at the end of your days, you are depleted and drained by the world, never having done any of the things you wanted to do? Never seeing your dreams or going for the big IT? At the end of your game, you will want to reflect on a life of value that satisfied you, not others.

The game of life is one thing, to win in ‘the world,’ you often feel abundant when you have material objects or the things they tell you to chase the fancy car, the job title, the bag of the moment, AND once you win the Soul game none of that matters. And in that moment, you will be happy whether you have any of that or not, you will be happy to simply be alive because you are happy in your Soul. All happiness achieved in the game of life is fleeting. The only happiness that is ever-sustaining is that which is reached through winning the Soul game.

Soul’ed Individuals 

This refers to people who are deeply connected with their inner Spirit, those who are filled with inspiration and the energy to complete their plans most of the time. This does not mean they are “good people” or that “others like them.”

Being a Soul’ed individual is not the same as being a “Soulful” person, the term many use to describe someone who is nice to everyone or only gives out love. The two are separate and distinct. A Soul’ed individual is someone with a direct connection to source energy who uses it to express themself in alignment to their Soul and purpose. 

These individuals are usually in tune with their purpose and passion. They are perceived as being "full" or complete due to their rich internal world and connection to their Soul. They lack nothing when it comes to “being okay with being themselves,” and their outer world usually tends to reflect that they are one of “the lucky ones,” and everything just happens for them and consistently aligns in divine timing. 


  • Advanced Souls: Signs and Milestones


  • Advanced Souls are believed to have experienced many lifetimes, accumulating wisdom, lessons, and Spiritual growth. Their experiences have expanded their overstanding and perspective about the nature of existence.

Deep Empathy & Compassion

Advanced Souls often exhibit a profound sense of empathy and compassion for all living beings. They can feel deeply connected to others, overstanding their emotions and perspectives with great depth.

Inner Peace & Acceptance

They tend to have a serene demeanor, accepting life's challenges with grace and viewing them as lessons rather than punishments. They are not easily swayed by materialistic desires or societal pressures.

Wisdom Beyond Their Years

Advanced Souls often demonstrate insights and overstanding that seem beyond their chronological age. They are seekers of knowledge and are often drawn to philosophical and Spiritual discussions, eager to explore the deeper meaning of life.


Beginner Souls: Signs and Milestones

Beginner Souls are relatively new to the cycle of reincarnation, having experienced fewer lifetimes compared to advanced Souls. They are in the early stages of their Soul's journey, learning basic lessons about existence, emotions, relationships, and the physical realm.


Strong Attachment to the Physical Realm

Beginner Souls often have a strong connection to materialistic desires, seeking pleasure, wealth, and status as primary objectives in life.

Difficulty in Handling Emotional Challenges

They might struggle to manage their emotions effectively, swinging between extremes of joy, anger, sadness, and love. They are still learning how to navigate the complexities of relationships and human emotions.

Tendency to Conform

Beginner Souls might exhibit a higher tendency to follow societal norms, valuing acceptance and fitting in. They might be less inclined to question conventions or explore deeper existential questions.

An "old Soul" refers to an individual who, despite their physical age, demonstrates wisdom, empathy, and sensitivity typically associated with those of older age. They are often characterized by a deep overstanding and connection with the world around them. Such people are highly empathetic and sensitive to others' emotions, which can sometimes lead to them feeling overwhelmed, thus requiring time alone to recharge. Typically, they prefer observation over-active interaction, offering them a broader overstanding of situations and people around them.

The final stage of a Spiritual path varies, based on different Spiritual traditions and practices. For many, the ultimate stage is often described as a state of enlightenment, self-realization, or union with the divine. It's a stage where one achieves full Spiritual awakening, total awareness, inner peace, and an overstanding of the interconnectedness of all things. This stage usually involves transcending the ego and recognizing one's true self and its unity with the Universe or the divine.




We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.

