Bedroom Tour - Nurse Jamie Beauty Pillow

Apr 11, 2024


Bedroom Tour - Nurse Jamie Pillow
Okay, so I am all settled in I have cleaned my entire house. This is my new candle from Norway. I've got my salt lamps up. I just sprayed my whole room down with my favorite​ spray -settle down by K. Pure Naturals.
My room doesn't smell like my room without this scent.
My new pillow - Nurse Jamie Beauty Bear Age Defy Pillow
I wasn't a back sleeper. So I needed to find a way to train myself. sleeping on your side is really bad for your neck as you get older. It's really bad for your traps. And that's how a lot of people end up with that hunched look. So I've been working on training myself to sleep on my back. I can't do this naturally. But this pillow doesn't allow me to move that way and as a bonus, it prevents wrinkles.


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