Be A Beginner To Be A Master - Kick The Ball

Apr 11, 2024

Link to episode: Episode 2 By Soul Renovation







Let me introduce myself!  

My name is Ashley. And I make videos (and now podcasts!) about accomplishing your goals. And chasing BIG goals in life.

I have become absolutely neurotic about chasing big goals. I always say “believe it so hard like it's already happening” -- you have to plan for it like it is actually happening. So, that’s how I approach life. AND now I’ve even gamified it. 


Some of you may know me from my brand, Soul Renovation. And this podcast will be a big part of Soul Renovation….

So, how did I get here?

I’ll give you the shorter version of my story here. (Later, another episode will be all about my story. It’s a long one, so there’s a lot to talk about!)

The most important thing to know now though is that my life really re-began in 2014 when I discovered the power to transform myself.

I thought I was living before but now, looking back, clearly I wasn't! That was the year I started my first vision board and read A Course in Miracles for the first time. (I’ve read it at least once a year ever since).

I didn't know it at the time, but in 2014, the moment I hung my first Vision Board asking for this LARGE life, the entire Universe began to rearrange for me to have it.

When I started on my path though, no one ever taught me the rules of the game and how to go forward. I figured it out on my own. I made a plan and stayed committed. Once the larger plan was in motion, all I had to do was the one next step in front of me while keeping my vibration high. I put my head down and just took one step forward each day, keeping my eyes on the next step in front of me. Before I knew it, I was reaching my end goals, one after another.

Looking back now, my life has been tower moments followed by massive quantum leaps in life success.

I don’t want you to think that since 2014 my life has been all successes. Oh my gosh, no! I definitely know what it feels like to be kicked by life and then kicked again while you are down. I know what it feels like to feel like you can’t keep going. I also know what it feels like to wake up to that feeling that something is just not right.

During the past 7 years, it often felt like I was going through hell on earth. I’ve had many rock bottom moments alongside the many highs. But I also now look back at these years with a sort of love, seeing them as the best years of my life. Because I learned a lifetime of knowledge and I can now clearly see that it was all Training Camp for that HUGE life I had asked for. As hard as some of those times were, I’ve learned so much through it all. I paid a heavy price for this wisdom but I still am grateful. My greatest gifts from those years are the resilience and endurance as well as the lessons.  

Through those years of life lessons, I have mastered the how and what to make change possible in almost any arena of life! So, now I feel compelled to share what I’ve learned with anyone out there who has lost that sparkle for life and wants help with a strategic path forward.

We’ll get into my full story -- all the tower moments and the lessons -- in much more detail in another episode. It’s a long story! And when you hear more of my story, you will appreciate why I see there could have been no other purpose but to share what I know now, to help others. And nothing would bring me more joy than to share this knowledge with as many humans as possible. 


My mission is to help others figure out what they want in life and turn it into their reality through inspired action and understanding the way the universe, and the game, works.

I’ll confess right now though, that I don't have it all together. Who does?

BUT I have manifested what I asked for. AND now I can see what is possible next. My goals are always larger than life, seemingly impossible at the time I set them, yet I have full faith in their fruition and hit them out of the park each and every time.

I will also say right up front that I know that I’m not an “EXPERT.” What I do have is direct experience. I have passed many levels in the game of life. And I trust what I know based on this experience and my ability to accept new ways of thinking ahead of common knowledge. Life lessons have trained me how to harness the energy of The Universe, and how to gamify my life goals. I know what I need to do to move the ball in this game forward in every arena of my life. I have learned to become crystal clear with my instructions to the universe.

All the work I did was initially just for myself - not for the outside world. Then I choose to begin sharing what I have learned. I’ve collected the puzzle pieces for you. You see, life is a game, and I’ve collected the puzzle pieces in order to get the full view of what is going on.  


I have been reading, absorbing and collecting questions over the years and I am going to address a lot of that here in the podcast and in the lessons taught in School of Soul.

In the last year especially, I have been expanding at a whole new speed though. A supercharged speed. I had many dreams before, and they were on the Vision Board, but some things I didn’t put on the board and kept in my head because they did not feel believable or real enough. Yes, even with all that I have manifested in my life, I can still have doubts and low moments too!  And one of those doubts until recently was about writing a book and releasing a course.

UNTIL I had a moment of clarity. In that moment, I heard these words. “Why wait? Why not begin now?”

I had the idea of writing a book in my mind for a very long time and it seemed sort of possible, but not anytime soon. Then I asked myself, WHY am I waiting?

I already know that I know all about this. Goal setting. Rewiring the brain. Gamification of goals. I am a pro at this. I AM MEANT TO SHARE THIS.


I am literally over here renovating my soul. andinviting you to come along if you want to level up and grow too.. Because I have made my vision and then broken it down to my roadmap you can follow the steps.

So this podcast will not just be me talking about what I’ve done. This is the ongoing demonstration of my transformation. I am demonstrating my ability to turn my vision and vision board into my real life game board and roadmap in even more arenas. 

Stay with me and your new life vision is going to be bigger and better than you ever imagined before too!

I should tell you that when I talk about what I know, I talk about it all as truth. Because they’re what I have lived, and what I am still living. To me, it is truth.

You won’t be able to ‘PROVE’ anything I talk about though.

What is actual TRUTH for you is something YOU will find yourself once you start living your purpose and get your character back under control. You will begin to KNOW deep down on your own and the question of ‘whether this can be known or proven will no longer arise for you.

I will express my views on subjects - take them or leave them. I’ll be honest with you: I don’t seek any validation.

AND I have more than a few theories in life. We’ll go over many of them here. So be ready for some new ways of thinking!

You are about to put on a new pair of glasses that are never going to come off. Once you see the way I see and see how life works, I don’t think you will ever see the world the same again. And you probably wouldn’t want to.

My hope is that by listening and following along, you’ll actually be more connected to your vision that nothing is going to get in your way from here on out. You will no longer be looking at the outside world for validation and feeling full and you will be able to cultivate that feeling for yourself through accomplishing your goals and seeing all that you are capable of accomplishing. You will know what you want in life, who you are, who you are never going to be again. You will become the type of person who gets things done and progresses in the game of life.


Nothing will be out of reach anymore. Nothing will be too good to expect. Once you alter your perspective, and apply some new ideas and ways of thinking, you can only expect the best for yourself from here on out.

By the way, I know it can be strange to hear someone talking about such huge goals, but why is that? Why is it so weird to hear somebody dream big? Have you thought about that? Why does it feel so uncomfortable?

Why don’t we hear people speaking about their big dreams every day?

When we're kids, we're told we can do anything we want. Everyone's always asking. We're loud and proud... and then we get older and we're never getting what we want. And society makes us feel weird if we do talk about what we want. As adults, few people are talking about big dreams.

OR how to make them happen.

This podcast is for anyone who has goals and aspirations in life. AND wants to chase them!

You’ve maybe already begun, or you began them then lost them. Maybe you’re longing to feel more connected, more driven and more inspired. You want to be more proud of your life, feel more alive. Maybe you even feel you’ve hit rock bottom.

And if you feel like something is going wrong -- and this feeling is a common one -- you just need to align and start walking towards your purpose again. And everything will start going in the right direction again. Before you know it, you will already be on the other side of your transformation. I’ve gone through re-alignment enough times by now to know some truths about how to align too.

AND if you find yourself in the situation and you start thinking, “oh my gosh I think I'm doing everything right but it's not happening that fast”... Please... don’t worry. You’ll get there if you put in the work. I know that if I keep putting one foot in front of the next for a goal, that I AM going to cross that finish line. So with everything, it's all about holding the bigger vision and putting in the work every day. AND being patient. Trusting. With faith in the process, everything will move smoothly and everything will eventually work out in your favour. Everything will get better for you. As I often say, FAITH IT until you make it! And you will get there! 

Whatever guided you here to listen today, you are in the right place.

So, follow along and get ready to change your life!


This is only the beginning!

Before we dive into the podcast, it’s important you understand the foundational concepts behind everything I talk about. You’ll hear these over and over again so I’ll lay some of the most important things out for you here now.

You’ll hear me use the word “game” all of the time. You see, I now see life as a giant game board. We each have a custom game board and we are all on a journey across our personal game boards. AND if you are living a game, wouldn’t you want to get above the board and have a high-level overview of what you are facing?

I’ll be talking about that a lot. It’s a bit of an obsession now. I see every part of my life through the lens of the game now.

Also I talk about life as a co-creation process between you and the universe. You do your part, the universe does its part. I’ll be saying this over and over again.

AND I’ll be talking a lot about energy, because that’s fundamental to it all. I’ll tell you a little bit about that now, and we’ll discuss it in far greater detail in later episodes.

You are made of energy and you can create with your energy. You literally have the ability to shape, create, bend and manipulate your physical world around you with your energy. 

This magical creative power runs through you and through every cell of your body. It’s an energy that, when harnessed, can create miracles in your life. You have access to this amazing resource within you every single day. Every single moment of your life.

Transformation begins with your words. So, it’s important that you know what you are speaking and speak only what you want to create.

In fact, if there is one core belief I have in life, it is that every word counts. Knowing that the words I speak create my reality, I give myself the constant reminder to mind my words.

The words you speak have power, and implications in ways you can not see. Words hold energy. Words don’t just disappear and dissipate. AND every word carries a positive or negative vibration.

So if you don’t understand the power and meaning behind your chosen words, you may as well all be illiterate because you are not using our words correctly. Throughout the podcast, you’re also going to get to know how much I love exploring definitions -- and the origin of words too -- to help uncover their deepest meaning, and connect you to your power using them. I’ll also help you RE-LEARN what many of the words you regularly speak actually mean. You’ll be surprised! AND it’s so important!

So, in a nutshell, this is how energy works. You are an energetic match for everything you send out. It comes right back to you. Every word you speak. AND every thought you have. AND every action you do. All of it. It all returns to you. The Universe serves you what you deserve and what you are an energetic match for every single time. So understanding the words that you are choosing really does matter! The good news is that all you have to do is consciously start talking about what you want. Start thinking about what you want!

So, I’ll talk a lot about what you can do to elevate and focus your energy and begin operating at the energy level that matches the life that’s meant for you. For anything to manifest in your physical world, you MUST be an energetic match to it.

And what is really cool is when you start training your brain to automatically keep you operating at that level. That’s when all these different parts of your brain start to work for you! Your RAS and your mirror neurons and your body and your brain will start pulling you towards your goals. (Again, RAS and mirror neurons and brain hacking are all  topics we’ll talk more in detail about in later episodes)

A lot of you are stuck in stories, cycles and patterns in life that you keep reliving -- even though you don’t want to -- because you don't really understand this. That’s okay.

Now that you know that your energy is your power, I’m going to teach you how to use it to show up and write a new story for yourself on a clear, new page. You are meant to be the author of your own story! You are the creator of your life.

And as you are also a character in your game -- “character” being another term I’ll be using a lot -- I’ll explain how to get your mind under control and your character working for you, instead of against you. For example, I’ll tell you how I unload anything that is holding my character back.

And here’s something important that strings all of the experiences of your life together -- and helps explain what you’re meant to learn from them. It is your divine design. Your purpose.

Honestly, I believe everybody has a purpose here and you will never feel fully fulfilled and fully accomplished until you reach your purpose. That is basically what we come here to do. In our soul’s contract, we are meant to build ourselves. We're meant to evolve. We're meant to become. And we are meant to achieve something. Everybody has something they're here to achieve. Your inner being, your soul, knows, if you can just create the space for grace to connect with it. It knows you’re meant to be somewhere and because you’re here listening to this right now, it’s probably awakening you to get back on your path.

So, now that I’ve prepared you with some of the key themes and topics that will be repeating throughout this podcast series, I want to address the topic of where we are as a society right now and another reason I think it is so vital that I share what I’ve learned.

We’ve become lost. Society has become disconnected and lost.

AND we've lost connection to our souls.

We have lost our purpose. This is why the time for what I am doing is now. I downloaded the clear message that this podcast and SCHOOL OF SOUL needed to happen now. (I’ll talk more about what “downloads“ are later in another episode. But for now, just know that they happen the more connected you are.)

Right now, it became clear to me that I needed to share right now.  

It became clear we‘ve lost connection with ourselves. We no longer know ourselves.  We don't know our connection to spirit. We don't understand our powers. 

We aren’t being shown how to hone the truly amazing gifts we’ve been given in life.

Society has become so disconnected while we think we are more connected than ever before. The truth is, we're all slowly becoming unplugged...from our core, from our inner light. So much so that our inner light is dimming and flickering out, almost turned entirely off.

I’ll say it again. We've lost connection to our soul.

We have become so disconnected from the soul that when one does finally meet their soul, it scares them.

But there’s no reason to be afraid.

The soul can be your inspiration. In fact, it’s what it is for.

Connecting with it allows you to explore your life’s possibilities, your life’s potential and its purpose.

But be honest now, when was the last time you sat around to just THINK about your life, its potential, and its purpose? To question. To ask. To explore. 

However long it’s been, if it wasn’t today, it’s been too long. 


See, we’ve lost our hunger for wonder.

We're never alone with our thoughts anymore.

The more we use technology, the less we actually think. We are always connected to everyone and everything...without really being truly connected to anything. We have all of those energy chords flowing in and out in all directions, to hundreds and hundreds of people and places. How can we possibly be REALLY CONNECTED to any of that?

We can’t. 

Worst of all, with all those energy chords going out, we don't leave enough room for real connection. (I’ll talk all about those in another episode too!)

Basically, we’re overloaded (on sooo many levels) 24/7. There’s no space for real connections. We’re overflowing with false connections and unable to connect to the divine, and ultimately, back into our own soul.

We haven’t left any space to get to know our soul and our greatest purpose.


Let’s look at it another way…

Ever notice how people use the word “lost”? Someone usually says they feel ‘lost’ when they do not feel on ‘path’ in life. Maybe you’ve even used this word in this way. And you’ve said it when you felt you weren’t where you felt you were meant to be. Because ‘lost” is a feeling. You feel it.

Let‘s dive into that for a moment. It was a feeling, not a mere thought. 


Wonder why?


Okay, let’s talk about the definition of lost for a minute then.

I love dictionaries, and I don’t just mean the ones on the internet. I have a physical collection of BIG dictionaries, many of them dating back centuries.

So, I found that an earlier 1640s definition of the word lost is "spiritually ruined, inaccessible to good influence." The usage has since evolved, with the modern definition appearing as “gone astray”but, interestingly, “astray” appeals to one’s sense of direction. So there too, one could draw a line to spirit and influence as with the earlier meaning.

That right there explains so much, doesn’t it?

Your connection to spirit has certainly gone astray whenever you feel lost!

The way I see it, the very essence of the meaning of  “lost” is about your connection to spirit. Your soul. 

You feel ‘lost’ when you know in your SOUL that there is somewhere else you are meant to be. And you feel you are missing something. It’s guidance from within.

I have often explained that experience of feeling lost this way:
It’s as if you’re standing in the right room, but you’re just facing the wrong direction. And it's just this feeling of never feeling at home in your life, and never feeling you're truly doing what you're meant to do because you don’t know how to find it. All the while, having the naked calling of knowing you're meant to do something else.

Don’t worry, I have whole modules about getting on path in my course. And in it, you’ll spend time clearing all those energy chords that don’t serve you. There’s so much in this course, I can’t wait to share it all! And if you are completely lost and need to figure out what your why is - we are going to cover that all step by step in the course too. And we’ll be covering some smaller sections in this podcast. I've got you!

Whatever you’re feeling, wherever you are in this moment in your life, the future possibilities are always there when you’re courageous enough to connect.

So, right now, all of my sharing is guided by soul, and I’m here to help you open up your connection to the divine, to your soul and your greatest purpose.

I also want to assure you that whatever you’re going through or have gone through, nothing is ever truly a setback. It is always a setup for future greatness if you can trust in the connection.

Life lessons are there for us to learn. But extracting the lesson means fully going back, very intentionally, to dig the lessons out. Trust that the very purpose of each and every single experience was to extract that lesson. I have an entire module on lessons in the course, and I’ll be touching on it a bit in this podcast series too. It’s rather difficult to avoid it! Lessons are everywhere!

I’ll warn you though… that when you have the courage to really connect and transform, these seasons of transition can feel uncomfortable. It is essentially the feeling of ripping through the last layer of your old life. I know this feeling well.

Birthing a new life is so exciting. Because it's a new life! But birthing a new life also means mourning the death of your old life. If you are about to do this, you are not alone. I am well aware of how close I am to changing my life. I am right there with you. I’m not just talking about it here.

And I know that when we enter into these seasons of transition, we’re so scared to go into the unknown. Even when we know our life purpose is taking us there.

Because essentially, your old life has to die so your new life can be born....

I have gotten to the point where I trust the journey, no matter what though. No matter how difficult the path is at times. By now, when I ask for a big life, I know I need to remain open to ALL possibilities that the universe has in mind for how it can and will materialize for me to stay on purpose.

If you are open too and inspired by the idea of possibilities, keep listening! Let’s start to ponder and answer these questions… What IS possible? What CAN you accomplish in your life?

I think true soul satisfaction comes from actually showing up for yourself and seeing what you're made up of…

I have soooo many exciting topics to share with you in upcoming episodes!

If you enjoyed this episode please take a screenshot and post on your social media - always tag me @soulrenovation

Also, don’t forget to pre-register for School of Soul – which will be launching later in 2022!



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