Basics of Follow Up

Apr 11, 2024


Basics of Follow Up

Hey guys, let's keep it real. It is 10:57 and I was at the office all night doing client gifts. It was fantastic. Now, I'm at home and I'm on my cold calling system and I am irritated like irritated.
There are new leads on this system that haven't been touched that are sitting in people's boxes. Like they've been there, some of them have been touched and 78 days 22 days. Like these are people that are begging for you to call them. They'd given your information. This is a solid lead. It's like, oh, it's just killing me watching this happen. I've come to this realization because this kind of issue keeps showing up in my life and so many places.
I've come to the conclusion that just not everybody is like me and sometimes I'm having expectations and I'm holding the standard so high for others Because that's the standard that I hold myself to and it's just not realistic for everybody. And that's a weird thing to realize like because I don't think I'm special or I do that much more or that I take my job that much more seriously, but I clearly do. I must because I'm not going to go to bed until all my leads are answered and that's every single night because I'm paying hard-earned money for these leads. Like we're two thousand dollars USD A month for this lead system. And then you're just going to not call them back? ​That makes no sense to me whatsoever. Anyways, this not some ridiculous standard I hold myself to, I feel this is just doing my job correctly. I don't think this makes me exceptional in any way, I think yeah, you just do your job every day and you complete the things you do and you follow up on things you start, and if a client contacts you, you contact them back. This is not that complicated. Anybody can be successful. The rules are so basic.


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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