Bad Times Don't Last Forever l Soul Renovation

Apr 12, 2024


Thank gosh for Winston and Wonton. They make all my days better.

Man, do I want to give up sometimes. Especially this time. More tears were shed in the last two weeks previous to this video than ALL of high school. And that's saying a lot.

I even fell into the 'why me' spiral.
It was a dark 2 weeks, to say the least.

I used to think we went through our Spiritual Awakening, and then boom; we were awake. One pass through the 'dark night of the soul' season, and off we go to our new lives… lol

How wrong I was.

This event marked my second dark night of the soul season, and it was sooooo depressing.

AND, you know the good news? Bad times don't last forever; that's why they are called bad times.

I let myself sink; I let myself feel; I let myself process. After 2 weeks of crying filling with reflection, I remerged back into the real world.

The game must go on.

It was a trip, not a fall. We can never be a failure if we don't quit. It is not about how many times we get knocked down; it is about getting back up.

Here we go.

Let's do better this time! Game on.

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