Attachment vs Connection

Apr 11, 2024


Attachment vs Connection
The home project of the evening is to give away more clothes. I’m doing the bag week. I'm getting rid of everything that I don't need. all the stuff I keep for that ‘one day.’
Who can relate to this? I know all my followers are women because I'm now tracking my insights - So who else has suffered from a close addiction? an addiction to buying things? I always bought things because I was trying to fill a void. When I bought something, it would light me up, fill me up, and make me feel satisfied for that moment. however, like all false gratification and life, It didn't last. It was like a fleeting moment and I was just always chasing it. It wasn’t really until last year when I almost lost everything that I realized the difference between attachment and connection. what actually truly fills us inside is not it buying things as just a form of connection. That is attachment, not connection. Every item we own possesses an energetic connection to us and can infect drain us.
if we have a basement full of stuff we are energetically connected to it and it's actually draining us. I have come​ to learn that less is more. we achieve a fuller feeling by giving things away. Try it.


Follow me on Instagram- @SoulRenovation



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