Time Perception

Apr 05, 2024

Time Perception β°πŸ”¬
Time is a fundamental dimension of our existence. Its perception is not fixed but rather subjective, influenced by various factors such as age and experience. As we age, our perception of time undergoes significant changes.
= what is referred to as “the sensation of time accelerating.”
WHY? The factor contributing to this tricked sensory feedback data? Yes, your sensory system is being tracked by your mind.
As you age four mind gains the ability to compare time intervals. The mind can’t help but compare! It compares everything in life.
As we accumulate more years of existence, we have a broader context to evaluate and compare the passage of time. Each day, week, or year becomes a smaller fraction of our overall lifespan, causing it to seemingly pass more swiftly.
To illustrate this, let’s consider the perspective of a child who has only experienced a mere fraction of time, perhaps just a few days. For them, each day holds substantial weight and value. Every new experience, every moment of discovery, carries a profound significance in their limited frame of reference.
In contrast, as we mature and accumulate a wealth of experiences, our perception of time becomes influenced by the countless moments that we have already lived. This accumulation creates a comparative framework against which we measure the passage of time. Consequently, each day feels less significant and impactful in relation to the entirety of our existence.
🎯 HOW to slow time? Learn, do and experience new things all the time. The less your mind knows what you are going aka it has never experienced it thus it can’t compare it, time will slow.



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