The Power of Manifestation: Embracing Action to Achieve Your Goals

appreciating incremental progress fostering a culture of effort and determination rejecting the instant gratification mindset Apr 04, 2024


Manifestation has become a popular concept in mainstream culture. While these elements play a significant role in the manifestation process, there is a tendency to overlook the importance of taking action.

The current narrative of manifestation in popular culture often presents it as a magical process that relies on the simple act of wishing or visualizing to bring about desired outcomes. This perspective can create unrealistic expectations, as it fails to address the importance of taking action in achieving goals.
The oversimplification of the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like and our thoughts and feelings attract experiences that match their vibrational frequency, reinforces the misconception that positive thinking alone is sufficient for manifestation. If like attracts like, which it does, then we must deduce from that, that we must change in order to attract that which we want. Where does the change occur?
At what point in the process do you change? You as in the human.

While setting intentions and visualizing desired outcomes are crucial steps, following through with appropriate actions is what ultimately brings those intentions into reality. The intentions are the pull, the frequency you are asking to pull in, now you need to be a match to it, how does this connection get made? Through the act of action. The change happens through the doing -

Taking action trains us in perseverance and education as well as adaptability and ultimately strengthens us to our goals and enables us to overcome obstacles and challenges along the way. This is a key point. For it is IN the overcoming of the obstacles that we change -
Have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen if you poured all your energy into everything you do? If you gave it your absolute all, investing 110% of your effort, what would become of you?



We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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