Challenging the Status Quo: Questioning Health, Influence, and Self-Worth

developing resilience strategies for perseverance tenacity and achievement Apr 04, 2024



Don’t get lost following the crowd to destruction. 🌿
👉🏻Your health is your number 1 asset in life.
You can guarantee you have something or value if someone is trying to take it from you.
💭If they wanted you to be healthy, you would be healthy.
💭You would have access to chemical-free food… instead, they are banning natural health supplements.
💭You would have access to chemical-free water, 💧instead it is full of chemicals that cause neurological damage and infertility.
💭You would have health officials who were… well…. Healthy… point in case.
If you have none of it you might want to start asking, CU BONO?

It’s called Stockholm syndrome and all Canadians have it. ❌ Because they once had our best interest at heart, we still believe they do.
But is that really the case?
👉🏻Do they want you to be healthy? Simple question and easy to answer. No.
👉🏻They want you sick on purpose. Period. Why else would they promote weight lifestyles that steal decades off your life span? Body positivity aka shaming the fit is a con and a con that will shorten your life.
💭You’re worth more to them if you are sick! To win the game of life you first must take back your most valuable asset.



We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the ‘dream.’ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


Why Play

The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


Digital Soul

In the era where your digital presence echoes across virtual realms, "Digital Soul" invites you on a journey to reclaim the essence of your true self.